Estimated read time 4 min read
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Ist die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz gefährlich für Deutschland?

The post criticizes Christoph Heusgen’s aggressive stance towards Russia, contrasting it with the concept of diplomacy. It questions his suggestions about showing strength to Vladimir Putin and mocks the belief that sanctions have been effective, asserting they’ve harmed Germany’s economy. The writer denounces political agitators pushing for more weapons and accuses NATO of breaking past agreements, moving closer to Russia despite promises made in Yalta. The commenter urges independent thinking, labeling such individuals as far removed from true diplomacy.

Estimated read time 2 min read
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Aufwach-Rede eines Senators

US Senator Mike Lee delivered a nearly 4-hour speech opposing the Ukraine aid bill, arguing that sending billions to Ukraine while US borders suffer is a betrayal. He criticizes the focus on entertainment over governance and accuses Washington of succumbing to the military-industrial complex, redirecting funds meant for American safety to foreign conflicts.

Estimated read time 1 min read

Machen sie den NAZI – TEST

Today, labels like “Nazi” are quickly attributed even to stands far from Nazi ideology. Many who loosely make such accusations lack understanding of their words’ impact. Introducing the “Nazi Test” – if you secretly nod or smile at any point, it suggests agreement with these labels.

Estimated read time 2 min read

Warum die Ukrainer hierzulande nicht arbeiten

Die Beschäftigung ukrainischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland ist gescheitert: Nur jeder vierte Ukrainer ist in Deutschland beschäftigt – Bild ( Die Zeitung schreibt, dass im Jahresdurchschnitt [more…]

Estimated read time 3 min read

Der Volkssturm heisst jetzt Heimatschutzregiment

Zunächst den historischen Abriß, da Geschichte und so ein Blödsinn heute ja nicht mehr gelehrt werden von den Lehrern. Volkssturm Im Volkssturm: Im September 1944, [more…]